Fair-X BannerExchange
Fair-X BannerExchange

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The igaroo.com affiliate program


Get CASH payouts and FREE targeted website traffic!
After signing up for a FREE igaroo.com advertising account, you can start using our affiliate tools to get cash payouts and to get advertising credits deposited into your igaroo.com account.


Making money:
All new igaroo.com accounts created by the people you send us using our affiliate tools or links will be "your" customers for life.

When any of these people deposit cash into their advertising account by creditcard, you will get a 50% cash payout of the ammount they deposit.

Note: Many webmasters spend $1,000's per year (or even per MONTH) on advertising, so this can easily be a major income source for you!


Getting FREE targeted website traffic:
When you use any of our affiliate tools or links to send people to igaroo.com, you'll get credited 50% of the "bid value" on the bidded links they click into your advertising account. You can use these credits to place bids on listings in the igaroo.com directories and "special listings" and to bid for search keywords.

Remember that one person usually preforms multiple searches and clicks on many links once he/she is at igaroo.com, generating a nice "income" of advertising credits into your igaroo.com account!

Sending people to igaroo.com can give you an endless stream of targeted website traffic for FREE!


The affiliate tools:
We give you multiple ways to make money and earn advertising credits at igaroo.com:

  • "SearchBox"
  • "Pay-Per-Click" ads
  • Affiliate links
  • Banners and Buttons


The "SearchBox"
By adding simple search box on your own website, you give your visitors access to the entire igaroo.com resource database! Will absolutely add value and functionallity!


The SearchBox:
Search igaroo.com:

Get targeted traffic for FREE!

(You'll get the "cut'n paste" HTML code inside our members section)


The "Pay-Per-Click" ads
You can now sell "Pay-Per-Click" listings directly from your own website! By adding our "PremiumListings" and "Featured Websites" sections on your website, you will earn advertising credits when the links are clicked, and you'll make money if anyone sign ip for an igaroo.com account and deposites money into it.


The "Pay-Per-Click" ads:

Premium Listings:

Featured Websites:

Search igaroo.com:

Get your ad on 80,000+ sites!

(You'll get the "cut'n paste" HTML code inside our members section)

Affiliate links:
You'll get your own unique affiliate link you can use in your email signature files, post to FFA and classified sites and other submit to other search engines.

(You'll get the "cut'n paste" HTML code inside our members section)


Banners and Buttons:
If you're a member of a banner exchange, or if you have your own website, use our banners and buttons to send traffic to igaroo.com.

Banners and Buttons:

(You'll get the "cut'n paste" HTML code inside our members section)